Special Educational Needs
We believe all children should be able to access all aspects of school life. We aim to develop the skills and strategies to have the confidence to meet challenge with resilience and strive to do our best, and we develop the independence and confidence to embrace the opportunities offered to us and try new things.
The Teachers adapt and design the learning opportunities offered to children taking into account their needs. There are a range of opportunities available as part of our Universal Provision (provision for all children) that meet the needs of all the children in the classroom including the SEN children. Examples of these include opportunities to be part of small group intervention in literacy and maths, to use specific concrete materials and resources, to visual support cards and to have simplified instructions. However, sometimes some children will still experience difficulties and will require a more personalised targeted approach. If a child is not making the expected progress, it is then that we consider meeting their needs with the Graduated Response as recommended in the Code of Practice 2014. Should we have concerns regarding your child this will be discussed with you prior to any involvement from the SENCo.
We are committed to ensuring that individual differences are valued, and we aim to help pupils develop confidence, self-esteem and a positive attitude to their own learning. We welcome close links with parents, and recognise their importance as partners in the education of their children.