PTFA Dates for Your Diary
PTFA Dates for Your Diary - Spring Term 2025
PTFA Meeting - Tuesday 4th February 2025, 7pm - 9pm, Quicksilver Mail, Yeovil.
Rainbow Disco - Friday 7th March 2025, 6pm - 8pm, East Coker Village Hall.
Wear a colour from the rainbow or all the colours of the rainbow. Prizes for the best outfits and dancing. We'll have tuck shop, face painting, glow sticks, hot dogs and a bar for the grown ups!
PTFA Dates for Your Diary - Autumn Term 2024
PTFA Meeting - Wednesday 30th Octber 2024, 7pm Helyar Arms Pub, East Coker
Christmas Cards Artwork Due Date - FIRST THING Wednesday 23rd October 2023
Collection from the School Office
BINGO! and Parents' Social Evening - Friday 18th October, 6pm - 8pm in the School Hall
A Fun-Filled evening of BINGO, a raffle, hot food, a bar, and sweets for sale
Non-School Uniform Day in exchange for BINGO! prizes - Friday 18th October (same day as the BINGO!)
Please bring in items for BINGO prizes such as boxes of chocolates or sweets, wine, gifts, toiletry sets etc.
PTFA Meeting - Wednesday 25th September 2024, 7pm Helyar Arms Pub, East Coker
PTFA AGM - Wednesday 18th September 2024, 7pm East Coker School
PTFA Dates for Your Diary - Summer Term 2024
PTFA Meeting - Wednesday 17th April 2024, 7pm Helyar Arms Pub, East Coker
Summer Festival - Thursday 23rd May, East Coker Primary School
A School-Run event we are helping out at; more details to follow.
PTFA Meeting - Monday 3rd June 2024, 7pm Helyar Arms Pub East Coker
Non-School Uniform Day - Friday 14th June
Mufti day in exchange for Raffle Prizes and Hamper Items for the Big Summer Fair Raffle
Summer Fair - Friday 21st June, 6pm - 8pm, East Coker Primary School.
Our huge fair with a variety of games and stalls, including giant bouncy castle, hot dogs, cakes, sweets, Pimms, and a bar. Plus the now legendary Summer Fair Mega-Raffle!