Computing Principles
How Do We Teach Computing at East Coker School?
We use the DfE funded 'Teach Computing' mixed age curriculum and have been working with Castle School in Taunton to deliver this curriculum. The children learn about the following key areas:
Computer Systems and Networks
Creating Media
Programming A & B
Data & Information
E-safety is embedded through all these areas.
We use laptops and iPads to teach children the computing curriculum. Children can work in pairs or individually or in a group.
Wider Opportunities
Our children have many opportunities to use computing across a range of different subjects such as iPad Art apps in Art & Design. In addition to this our children use computers and iPads to support with the wider schools. The House Captains deliver weekly meetings to their houses using Powerpoint among other presentation programmes. School Council also use computing to support with their projects and our Assembly Ambassadors use the computers and a range of features to support our assemblies. We also have STEM days and activities looking at technology, maths and science. Our pupils can also attend Coding Club.