British Values
Subject Principles
How Do We Teach British Values At East Coker School?
British Values are embedded across the school in a range of ways which include: our school ethos and values; direct teaching; cross curricular themes; events and visitors to the school.
British values is addressed through specific lessons which will encourage discussion and debate and these will be taught specifically Religious Education, Computing, PSHE, English and History. In upper key stage two children learn about power (government and monarchy) across the history curriculum and discuss the way this impacts on society. In Religious Education we ensure an understanding of a wide range of different faiths and cultures. In English we use class novels as an opportunity to teach about diversity within Britain. We look at online safety and being responsible IT citizens in our computing curriculum.
In addition to lesson British Values is embedded in our school culture through our School Council, Year 6 Ambassadors programme, House Captains and House Meetings and our use of Buddies. We also hold special event and celebrations which celebrate differences, equality, tolerance and responsibility.