Children in KS1 should develop healthy home learning habits.
We understand that home learning can take time, but developing the children to be independent in these activities at this early age, will have an incredibly positive impact on their progress.
Reading at home is the MOST important home learning activity you can do with your child at home.
We encourage children to read at home to an adult 4 times a week.
Children on the RWI programme will come home with a new storybook every Friday, they will have read the book in school a number of times before it comes home, this means the children should be able to read it fluently with good comprehension. They will also bring home a linked book bag book to read.
Children who are no longer on the RWI programme will come home with a KS1 recommended read, these are books carefully selected to be a suitable book for the children of this age. Children will be asked on a Friday if their book needs changing, if so they will be given the opportunity to select a new book.
Support Materials for RWI Phonics
We are working hard with writing letters using the correct letter formation.
We are also focusing on Common Exception Word (RWI - Red Word) spellings and ensuring these are spelt accurately.
We encourage children to access Numbots at home at least 3 times a week.
Supporting this learning is important to embed basic number fluency in children which supports them with the maths they learn in school.
Throughout the 1st half term we will be introducing the children to Spelling Shed in school, encouraging them to become independent in logging in. Their log ins will be sent home at half term. Until then they will be given a sheet related to the spellings they are learning in school, on a Friday.
We do not sit spelling tests, however, children are quizzed on their spellings regularly, but the clearest way for us to assess is seeing the correct spellings used in their writing.
Project - Based Home Learning
Children should tackle the project based home learning, linked to the curriculum content of this half term.