English Subject Principles
Wider Opportunities
At East Coker, opportunities to develop literacy skills and knowledge are provided across all curriculum areas.
Oracy and public speaking skills are developed through regular discussions, class presentations, class assemblies, plays and performances. Our Year 6 pupils prepare and deliver speeches when applying for ambassador roles and House Captains lead weekly assemblies to an audience. Host pupils are required to give tours of the school to visiting adults and our News Ambassadors design, create and publish a termly newsletter which is distributed to the classes. Our Pupil Librarians do a fantastic job of organising fun book-based activities and have supported with the lunchtime ‘Books and Biscuits’ club.
Recently, children wrote letters to congratulate the Queen on her Platinum Jubilee - we even received a reply! We have also written messages of support to children in the Ukraine as part of the ‘Packed with Hope’ campaign organised by Little Toller Bookshop in Beaminster and children in Key Stage 2 worked together to create and publish a cook book entitled 'Eat Coker.'