
History Subject Principles
How Do We Teach History At East Coker School?
At East Coker School we follow the National Curriculum for History. To support with delivering the knowledge-based curriculum, we operate a four-year rolling programme for KS2 and a two-year rolling programme for EYFS and KS1.
History at East Coker is led by a teacher who is a member of The History Association. Across the school our staff are supported in delivering high quality history through regular CPD and discussions. Our CPD is supported through The History Association and other external providers.
Wider Opportunities
We provide opportunities to develop history knowledge and skills beyond the normal curriculum. We welcome a wealth of visitors to our school to provide workshops. We provide children with many opportunities to engage with history first hand. We also undertake school trips which enhance and further historical knowledge and enquiry. We believe in diversity and equality and ensure that our history curriculum promote this. We provide many cross-curricular opportunities to promote historical knowledge and enquiry at East Coker. For example, our year 5 pupils recently took part in a project and their collaborative artwork is currently on show at the 44AD Gallery in Bath for the ‘Windrush’ event.
Please see our newsletters for further information about the many types of learning and opportunities available to our pupils at East Coker School.