Example of Activities
We provide our children with a well rounded curriculum which includes many additional events and visits throughout the year. Some of these are annual events such as:
* Two visiting theatre company visits for the whole school
* Annual Music Days for whole school
* Spring Concert for junior children who perform musical instruments and sing
in the choir to our parents and families.
* Junior Christmas Carol Service to parents at St Michael's Church, Infant
Christmas Play, Reception Christmas Sing-a-Long
* Special Annual Weeks which include and Arts Week, Sports & Health week
Children's mental Health Week and a special Book Week.
* We hold parent workshops and open afternoons to learn about how we teach
certain topics like phonics and parent have the opportunity to have look at the
children's work
* Year 3 Free Whole Year Group Brass instrument Lessons for 10 weeks
* Year 6 Camp (Residential) - Great Wood
* Year 4 annual visit to The Bristol Hippodrome to see a musical
* Year 5/6 STEM day with Leonardo Helicopters
* Year 5 visit to Mulberry Farm
* Every class has at least one visit per year, but often we do two visits and local
* Many annual sporting competitions and events for all abilities and interest
including archery, rugby, football, Motiv8, dance and boccia.
* External providers lead clubs and activities for the children such as Premier
League Primary Stars in conjunction with Yeovil Town Football Club.