Science Subject Principles
How Do We Teach Science at East Coker School?
At East Coker School we follow the National Curriculum for Science. To support with delivering the knowledge the children are expected to learn, we use Outstanding Science and the Primary Science Teaching Trust and adapt these to meet the needs of our pupils.
Science is led by all class teachers supported by teaching assistants wherever possible. Science is taught in separate year groups in order to accommodate the requirements of the National Curriculum. There is a strong focus on scientific knowledge with clear expectations for teachers about what the children should know by the end of the topic.
We implement a one year rolling programme to cover the three aspects of science: Biology, Chemistry and Physics. There is a clear progression of knowledge and skills and we have a repeated programme of learning to ensure children's knowledge is constantly built upon and developed. This includes a strong focus on key enquiry skills, practical activities and a sound understanding of key vocabulary.
Wider Opportunities
We provide opportunities to experience science in the 'real world, through STEM learning, visits and visitors and use our local environment, for example Nine Springs and Ham Hill Country Parks, to initiate and consolidate our learning. We take our learning outside frequently, where appropriate, as well as make cross curricular links with other areas of our learning in the classroom as much as possible.